It doesn’t matter where you come from. Trust me on this one – Melody was born in a barn! No vet attending to her mother, no breeder with papers attesting to an elite bloodline, no price tag of hundreds or thousands of dollars declaring her worth. Not even an adoption event. She was just one of three litters of kittens offered for free to anyone who would take her.
But here she is, her spirit still testifying to God’s grace and goodness in a public forum! The barn kitten with no pedigree became the alpha Townsend Cat, inspired the creation of MEOW, and taught countless lessons by example as she lived and loved, believed and achieved, anticipated and encouraged through her blogs.
Melody knew that her dirt-floor and straw-bed beginning was just that – her starting point. She always remembered where she came from in order to gauge her progress, but she also knew that she couldn’t successfully move forward while looking back.
Your journey also started in a time and place over which you had no control. Wherever you’re going, you’re already well on your way there. Whether you have mapped your route to a desired destination or feel lost and miles off course, you can take encouragement from the living and the learning that older and wiser travelers like Melody are happy to share.
Paw Print Wisdom: Purrsonal Journey Travel Tips
Travel Light. Are you an emotional pack rat? Not for nothing does the Bible tell us that Love keeps no record of wrongs. That record would be a lifelong list requiring constant, exhausting maintenance! There is not a single human or feline who has ever lived who has not been hurt in some way. Grudges, resentment, anger, grief, are all boulders in our backpacks. Forgiveness is the key that unhooks the padlock so we can dump that load and leave it in a ditch by the road. Forgiveness isn’t a feeling. It is a choice. A verb. A decision consciously made, an action deliberately done as many times as it takes to shake out every last pebble and free yourself completely of that burden. As you gain experience, you’ll learn to not pick up those stones in the first place. Just remember that you’re in charge of your emotions; they are not the boss of you. You’ll travel faster, farther, and happier when you travel light.
Choose Your Companions Carefully. Your thoughts are your most intimate companions. A negative thought that crosses your mind has no more right to stay and set up housekeeping than a trespasser who barges through the door of your home. Evict detrimental thoughts immediately. The longer they stay, the more damage they will do, and the more difficult they will be to force out. This is not a new problem for us travelers. Centuries ago, Paul advised the Corinthians to “cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” He encouraged the Philippians to focus their thoughts on whatever is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report. As with emotions, you control your thoughts; they don’t dictate what you say and do or how you feel unless you let them. Make sure your closest companions are honest and true, that they keep you focused on what is good and right, that they pursue the positive and refuse the negative, and that they encourage you to be your absolute best every step of the way.
Watch Where You’re Going. The path away from our barnyard beginning is cluttered! Depending on our attention to detail, we will either tangle in debris or step through it; stop at obstacles blocking our paths, or climb over them; tumble into pitfalls, or pick our way around them. We take pleasure in smelling the proverbial flowers along the way, but we are careful to not become complacent right where we are or snagged in thorns and vines that cling and beguile us to stay. It’s so easy to look to others for validation, guidance, acceptance, and approval. The horizontal outlook provides a familiar view of interesting and sometimes inspiring scenery, but no one else is traveling our journey, and no one else will achieve our destination for us. Enjoy the company, the surroundings, the scenery, and enjoy staying true to your journey.
Stay Your Course. Distractions are enticing butterflies dancing just out of reach, pretty and bright and almost within our grasp; just a little closer, and … omigosh … where on earth am I, and how did I get here!?! Experience and wisdom will teach you to recognize distractions for what they are so you can choose to avoid following a tangent trail that does not lead where you want to go. In the Old Testament book named for him, Joshua urges his people to remain faithful to God as they continue their journey. “Do not turn from [God’s word] to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go.” Learn from your past, but remember, it’s behind you for a reason. Stay aware of the events currently taking place around you. But keep your eyes on the road ahead.
Enjoy the journey! Walk, trot, run, play, but continue moving in the right direction. Anticipate the best instead of dreading the worst. Choose a positive attitude! Listen as God reminds you that you are precious in His sight, that He placed you right here, in this time and place, for a unique purpose only you can fulfill. Climb a fence from time to time to enjoy a panoramic view of the journey ahead. The horizon is out there, and it’s beautiful!
Maybe, like Melody, you weren’t born with a silver spoon, blue blood, or a golden egg. While none of us can control the environment from which our lives began, at some point we have to realize that where we go from here is our own personal choice – a constant series of liberating, exciting, intimidating decisions that we make every moment of every day, even in the midst of circumstances we cannot change. Why is learning to enjoy our journey of such utmost importance? Because achieving our destination only means crossing a threshold into our next journey! The conclusion of one is the beginning of another, and we will apply tomorrow the lessons we learned today.
Enjoy discovering your purpose and pursuing your purrsonal journey through your Extra~Ordinary World!
Scripture References for Purrsonal Journey Travel Tips:
Joshua 1:7
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Philippians 4:4-8