
Hi! I’m Melody Kitten. It’s a very important job, and I’m the only one who can do it. That is because I was created for an extra-special purpose: to be Melody!

Since God took such care in designing me to live in this exact time and place, I want to be the best Melody I can possibly be. That means enjoying life to the fullest in my extra-ordinary world.

And I encourage you to do the same! I have observed that very few people are aware of just how unique and beloved they are. Like me, you are the only You who has ever existed since time began. Through the end of time, there will never, ever be another You. Just stop and think about that for a moment. Isn’t that amazing?

My humans describe me as a princess, petite and feminine on one paw, while completely in charge as the alpha cat of my household on the other. I do know this about myself:  I love and live aggressively, fearlessly, courageously, and wholeheartedly – not just occasionally, but all of the time. My wish for my human family and friends is for all of you to enjoy this same freedom.

Every day is a new opportunity to explore our world and move one step closer to all that we were created to be. If you want to laugh and relax and learn as we grow, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to Melody’s Extra-Ordinary World!  I’ll share a secret: your world is extra-ordinary, too!


Love is Forever

 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three;
but the greatest of these is love.
~ I Corinthians 13:13

Melody Kitten Townsend, beloved heart-mate of her humans and alpha cat of her household, was born to a barn cat in a farming community in May 2007 and departed this life at 8:24 p.m. Christmas night, 2017.

Melody became a Townsend Cat on October 7, 2007, immediately stealing the hearts of her family and living up to her name with her radiant, outspoken personality.

Melody always anticipated the best. Her faith never faltered. She looked forward to whatever each day might bring, and the mystery of what lay ahead only intensified her excitement, because she *knew* good things were coming, and she couldn’t wait to see in what form those good things would arrive. When she asked for something, whether attention or treat or toy, it never occurred to her that her humans wouldn’t provide what she wanted. She repeated her requests with eager expectation and danced with delight when her waiting was rewarded with the desire of her heart.

To her adopted siblings, Melody assumed the role of alpha cat, leading by example and occasionally by the skillful deployment of a swift paw. Younger Townsend Cats learned by imitating Melody’s behavior, and she earned the respect and love of all her feline peers, who often sought her attention for playtime or the warmth of a long nap.

To her humans, Melody also led by example, living out her conviction that one never gives up hope, never stops believing, never loses confidence in the God who made us all.

Melody’s career as Muse to author A.C. Townsend led to the creation of MEOW ~ Melody’s Extra-Ordinary World, a KLog (Kitty Log) in which Melody and her siblings share their wisdom and insights about human behavior from a feline perspective. Melody also worked as a model for her photographer dad, Steven Townsend of Code 3 Images.

Her heart absolutely radiated love and pure joy through a personality, a voice, and a spirit immeasurably larger than the petite ten-pound body in which they were housed. She demonstrated faith and positive expectations. She loved with such energy and passion that her heart wore out after only ten years of ecstatic life. Even in her final moments, Melody took the lead, crossing the Bridge at a time of her choosing, of her own accord.

Melody epitomized faith, hope, and love. She will always be an inspiration to everyone who knew her. Hers is an example her entire family, human and feline, will strive to emulate for the rest of all our days. In her memory, Melody’s Extra-Ordinary World will continue, her KLogs now to be written by the feline siblings who knew her and loved her and learned about life from her.

Melody was preceded in death by Townsend Cats Murphy (2007), Amanda (2009), April Rain (2009), and Sherman Tank (March 2017). She is survived by eleven feline siblings and a human dad and mom who are heartbroken and devastated beyond words without their baby girl.

We will see you again, precious Melody Kitten,
when our own footsteps lead us to cross the Bridge
and join you Forever Home.

Melody Kitten was laid to rest in a private back-yard ceremony. Contributions in her memory can be made to the Animal Refuge Center, 185 Basham Trail, Vine Grove, KY 40175,