My favorite words are Purr Words. Purr Words are wonderful! Sometimes I don’t proceed any further than that first syllable. Purr…rrr…rrrrr… … rrrrrrr … rrrrrrrrr … I could purr for hours. Sometimes I do! Powerful thoughts begin with a purr, and words follow thoughts, and actions follow words. Therefore, Purr Words are among the most…
Welcome to Melody’s Extra~Ordinary World!
Welcome to Melody’s Extra-Ordinary World! We moved our domain name to a better service provider in January and took advantage of the opportunity to remodel our web site and create new pages – from scratch! Stroll across the tabs and explore! You’ll find Townsend Cat profiles and other purrsonal information at “About Us.” We are…
Love, Defined
by Melody K. Townsend Happy Easter! Cats love Easter! The anticipation of Spring, fulfilled at last. Sunshine, bird song, brilliant flowers across an emerald carpet under a flawless azure sky populated with flocks of clouds. And all those colorful plastic eggs to seek and find and swat around! My humans are smart, though. They know…
Townsend Cat Toy Review
by Chase Townsend The New Year arrived with new toys for the Townsend Cats! We enjoy our gifts so much that we want to tell our feline and human friends about them so you can enjoy them, too! Following is my review of three new experiences and two long-time favorites. This is a genuine Townsend…
Letting Go of Limitations
Cats do not acknowledge limitations. Why on earth would we waste a single precious moment entertaining a concept that exists only to get in our way? If we are going to experience all that we are meant to be, we must explore God’s purrfect design for who and when and where we are! For humans,…