Cats do not acknowledge limitations. Why on earth would we waste a single precious moment entertaining a concept that exists only to get in our way? If we are going to experience all that we are meant to be, we must explore God’s purrfect design for who and when and where we are! For humans, this is often easier said than done.
The trouble with limitations is that they get comfortable. Those self-imposed boundaries provide an illusion of security. Even negative limitations are at least familiar. And limitations are ready-made excuses for staying in the same place, doing the same things the same way. Moving forward means encountering resistance. Learning means taking responsibility for newfound knowledge. Humans find personal progress intimidating because they view it as the exception to a normal life, whereas for cats, adventure is the rule!
Some people live their whole lives unaware that Trust and Fear are choices they make. If we don’t exercise control of our thoughts and feelings and reactions, they will control us.
Allowing negative thoughts and feelings to control our actions is like releasing a kitten in a basket of yarn and hoping nothing comes unraveled. Life quickly becomes jumbled and disorganized, tangled and strung out.

Exercising good judgment and gentle discipline with that kitten – with one’s own mind and heart – and asking God for divine guidance, lays the foundation of freedom to explore life unafraid of what we might discover. Humans can live with confidence and love with abandon when they view life as a daily adventure.
There are, of course, important rules to follow, laws to obey, and common-sense measures that exist for practical purposes. These are standards and should not be confused with limitations.
Cats live to challenge the expected, to better our best. We anticipate wonderful outcomes and have faith that they will come to pass. I encourage all my human friends to follow our example. Let go of those limitations, and live a cat-like life in your Extra~Ordinary World!
Original Post January 1, 2016