Whenever Mom and Dad begin a task, I immediately present myself and ask my favorite question: “Can I help? I’m good at things!” I say this often, because it is true! I am gifted with tremendous intelligence, discernment, knowledge, and understanding. My curiosity and determination are limitless. I turn even the most mundane job into…
Articles from July 2018
I Am Here
Cats epitomize communication. We are body language sharing constant dialogue through every delicate paw caress, ear swivel, whisker twitch, and tail gesture. We convey volumes with the subtle insinuation of muscle gliding under fur. You can read a phrase in the tilt of a cat’s head; a sentence in the narrowing or widening of her…
Show Your Cattitude!
Today I am proud to share wonderful words of wisdom from Melody K. Townsend. We can all learn a lot by emulating her Cattitude! ~ Josie Dictionaries define “Cattitude” as feline behavior of aloof superiority. Cats are indeed the superior species on planet earth, but we are not arrogant about epitomizing God’s purrfect design. Our…
Townsend Cat Pet Fountain Review!
The Townsend Cats received a gift from our fur parents this weekend, and we enjoy it so much that we want to tell all our feline and human friends about it! We were presented this gift because of my uncle Chase. All of us cats drink distilled water from various bowls. Chase is the exception.…