Welcome, Autumn!
Thank you for pausing along your journey each year to remind us that age and brevity and change and rest are beautiful. That life is a series of seasons, each with its own blessings and burdens and lingering lessons. That endings are beginnings in momentary disguise.
We enjoy your time of ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg; cozy sweaters and boots; intimate evenings by the fireplace; trees showering a delicate release of ruby, amber, and topaz; the tang of apple cider, the warm comfort of cocoa, the crisp scent of anticipation in the first frost.
Thank you for reminding us that although only love lasts forever, our interim is an amazing blessing to be treasured to the fullest extent, and the closer we come to the end, the more joyful and colorful and amazing life reveals itself to be – not only to us, but to all who observe our journey.
Thank you for inviting us to dance. To celebrate. To laugh and play and forget lesser obligations long enough to chase you like children embracing the wind.
Welcome, Undaunted Interlude. It is good to explore life with you again.
Savannah Greets Autumn